Strategy Labs

Strategy Labs are an opportunity for various affinity groups within the larger NEFOC network to come together to share progress, strategy, and challenges they are facing within their micro-communities. These labs are interactive, with each session being loosely facilitated to honor the intention and power of open-source collaboration. 

Black Farmers “Unearthing” Session

The Black Farmer Fund & Black Land Stewardship program of Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust (NEFOC) are working to address the systemic barriers to land, capital, and market access faced by Black farmers. We are committed to ensuring that Black farmers have the resources and support they need to thrive. We would love for you to join us as we unearth the needs, obstacles, resources, and strengths in your state. Black farmers will determine the programs we create to support their success! Please respect this as a Black farmers' and food business owners' space.

Braided BLISS

Colonization's violent legacy fuels today's inequity and climate crisis. Black and Indigenous communities unite against "divide and conquer" tactics, striving to dismantle scarcity narratives and embrace ancestral wisdom for justice and sustainability. Our goal is to foster a lasting Black-Indigenous Solidarity Network, advocating for Indigenous sovereignty, reparations, and secure land tenure for BIPOC land stewards, transcending the barriers imposed by the nonprofit industrial complex.

En Agricultura Hablamos Español

Con más de 42 millones de personas, los Estados Unidos (EEUU) es el quinto país del mundo con hablantes de español con un manejo nativo del idioma. En el sector de agricultura y alimentos,  8 de cada 10 personas que están relacionadas a la producción, distribución, agreagación y preparación de alimentos habla español. En este espacio queremos hablar de quienes somos, cuál es nuestra relación con la agricultura y las tierras en el noreste de EEUU, y la posibilidad de crear La Asociación de Agricultores del Noreste.

Urban Land Stewardship (Regional NEFOC Network meet and greets)

Are you a current or aspiring farmer, gardener, Land steward or earthworker tending Land based projects in an urban setting? Join us for a conversation, where we’ll have a chance to share about our projects, make connections, and strategize around reimagining current food and ag systems with the cityscape in mind.

Rural Land Stewardship (Regional NEFOC Network meet and greets)

Are you a current or aspiring farmer, gardener, Land steward or earthworker tending Land based projects in a rural setting? Join us for a conversation, where we’ll have a chance to share about our projects, make connections, unpack the struggles of isolation as rural farmers, and share resources!

Growing our Collective Power: Advocacy for Policy Transformation

Are you a current or aspiring farmer, gardener, Land steward or earthworker wondering how we can grow and tap into our collective power to advocate for Federal and state policies that meet our needs? We’ll share stories, make connections, and strategize around how we can mobilize together for policy transformation that supports our Land hopes and dreams.

Queer Landworkers

Calling all of our queer kin! Are you a current or aspiring farmer, gardener, Land steward or earthworker tending Land based projects? QTBIPOC earthworkers make up less than 5% of the farming community on Turtle Island. Join us for a conversation, where we’ll have a chance to share about our projects, make connections, unpack the struggles of farming while queer, share resources, and bask in each other's sweetness!